
Showing posts from January, 2023

What Is The Refractory Period For Men?

It's a fact of men's life, experiencing an after-effect from sexual activity - Yes, the refractory period. But what is it, and why do some men experience failed attempts to re-kindle the flame? In this article, we'll discuss the topics related to it. For example, what the refractory period is, and how long it lasts. And lastly, why do some men have difficulty continuing sexual activity after it has occurred? Read on to learn more about a fact of male sexuality!     Introduction to Refractory Period In simple words, the refractory period is the time after an orgasm when a man feels unable to get another orgasm. In most men, it lasts for 20 minutes to an hour. It is usually meant as the general ratio of time taken by the males for the refractory period. But it varies from person to person, and some men have many orgasms if they do not ejaculate during the first one. In contrast, some men need a break between intercourses to recover themselves.  Some Men have ED issues so